[Be vigilant] Increase in attempts to impersonate Eiffage and its subsidiaries (use of fake email addresses, fraudulent websites, etc.). More details here.

Infrared thermography by drone

Infrared thermography by drone allows heat losses for district heating networks and buildings to be mapped. Our service consists of taking aerial photographs using infrared thermography, using a drone-mounted camera. Analysis of these images makes it possible to identify the defects and to geolocate them:

  • Checking photovoltaic panels: identifying and locating defective cells, detecting the presence of foreign bodies on the panels, and locating photovoltaic tables that are not producing power 
  • Control of heating networks: detecting leaks or lack of insulation and locating networks, pipes and valve chambers 
  • Checking the facades and roofs of buildings: identifying and locating areas of heat loss and comparing them with the BBC reference, indicating discrepancies in W/m2 

Map all defects

A drone has the advantage of being able to access complex locations efficiently. Flights are prepared in advance, allowing missions to be carried out automatically. By calculating the maximum height and speed of the drone, in order to obtain the best resolution, our experts map a complete area with enough overlap to ensure no defects are missed. 

  • DSAC-approved drone for S1,S2,S3 scenarios 
  • High-resolution thermal and spatial camera 
  • Acquisition of GPS flight data and geolocated images 
  • DSAC-approved pilot 
  • APSAD-certified thermography operators 
  • The content of the report is tailored to your needs: summary of defects, image of defects, “orthoplan” providing a synthetic georeferenced image of the heat networks 
  • Geolocation of faults on the ground planes of photovoltaic power plants 
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