[Be vigilant] Increase in attempts to impersonate Eiffage and its subsidiaries (use of fake email addresses, fraudulent websites, etc.). More details here.

Improve production

In response to the rise of advanced technologies, industrial companies must adapt to new processes and meet their customers’ requirements: to be responsive to the market, to produce as precisely as possible, and to customise and manufacture to measure. To meet your production challenges, our teams support you throughout your production process projects to improve industrial performance, guarantee product quality, traceability and conformity, assist operators and ensure their safety, and promote sustainable development and eco-responsibility.

Artificial intelligence for performance optimisation

SmartForest is a Big Data and Data Science platform reinforced by an artificial intelligence engine designed by our teams to optimise production performance, offering descriptive, predictive or prescriptive analyses to streamline your production facility and its maintenance. For total control over production performance:

  • Understand what’s going on
  • Identify factors that influence quality or performance
  • Understand the reasons why a cycle time varies
  • Detect deviations from nominal operation

Manage and control production

We implement supervision and automation systems that meet your technological challenges of simplified and increasingly efficient operation:

  • 24/7 system for production process control, monitoring and automation
  • Renovation of existing installations (energy, fluids, building/heat/electrical management systems, HVAC, ATEX, etc.)
  • Human/Machine Interface (HMI) to minimise operator risk
  • Vacuum system retrofit

These supervision systems can be based on market solutions or on our Syclone by Clemessy solution – an automation and measurement system for processes with a high level of availability, safety and traceability that is fully modular.

Smart operational support

Our SmartForest data science platform lets you analyse large volumes of industrial and technical data to find recurring patterns and correlations. This tool can be used in real time or after the event, and integrates with existing systems.

Lean manufacturing

The lean manufacturing method aims to achieve the best performance in terms of productivity, quality, deadlines and costs. 

Our experts have mastered the 3-step lean manufacturing process:

  • input data,
  • engineering
  • output data

Manufacturing execution/MES

Tailor-made Manufacturing Execution System (MES) solutions provide information to all company stakeholders to enable them to manage acceptance, costs, quality control, etc.

Our experts can offer you their own solutions or solutions from the market, tailored to your needs.

Smart dashboards

Control cabinets are remotely controlled by PLCs, to which they are connected by cables. Technological developments now enable them to be equipped with “natively” connected components, such as circuit breakers, contacts, human/machine interfaces, etc.

These various components are equipped with embedded systems that connect them directly to the Internet and allow you to perform control operations and view consumption, temperatures and humidity, etc. From design through to manufacture, our experts will support you right up to the commissioning of the communication and control system for the cabinets via connected interfaces. 

Test systems

Our teams offer customised testing systems to meet your needs in validating the quality and expected performance of a product or system. 

Our teams can assist you in creating turnkey test systems in the automotive and space industries

Check product compliance

To validate the conformity of individual parts and meet market requirements, our specialists create turnkey inspection machines that are integrated into the various stages of an automatic production line. These machines feature our own measurement and acquisition systems:

  • Leak Testing and Dimensional Control    
  • Air/air, air/water/helium 
  • Dimensional control  
  • Electronics, pneumatics and probing  

Analysis systems

Emissions measurements  

The Clemessy teams offer “turnkey“ installations for all sectors of activity, ensuring compliance with the directives, ministerial decrees and standards in force.   
Our competences cover the following types of measurements:  CO, CO2, NOX, SO2, HCL, HF, H2O, O2, VOC, NH3, dust, mercury and dioxins, flow rate, pressure and temperature, data acquisition and processing systems with production of DREAL/DEAL environmental reports.

Process measurements  

From design to installation, and from maintenance to systems operation, our experts offer a unique skillset in integrating and maintaining analytical systems specific to your process. 
From the simplest to the most complex, our on-line analysis systems can be implemented in situ in a box, cabinet or shelter

Cybersecurity: secure industrial systems

Operate your facilities safely, protect your sensitive data, secure your facilities and meet your legal obligations.

To meet your security challenges, Clemessy can help you protect your industrial assets by strengthening the protection of your systems. Our experts use their expertise to integrate cybersecurity into the entire life cycle of your facilities with a 360°, tailor-made, turnkey service offering. 

Learn more

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Available to apprentices, to people looking for an internship or a job, and also to Eiffage employees, the Taléo search engine is the best way of finding out about openings available within the Group. “Area of employment”, “Location”, “Organisation”, “Fixed-term contract”, “Open-ended contract”, “Internship”, “Apprenticeship”: just fill in a few criteria to have real-time access to all the professional development opportunities.